Monday, November 7, 2011

One cannot mail postcards at the post office, and other Maltese Oddities

Yes, you read that title correctly - apparently, you can't mail regular mail (e.g. postcards and letters) from inside the post office, at least not the two I have been to. Maybe if you go to one of the main ones, you can? You can, however, mail packages, etc., and buy stamps and such at the window.

October Adventures & Photos

Now that it is a week into November - how the heck is it already November?!- I though it would be a great time to put up some photos from the end of October. A nice long text post (or even postS) is/are coming soon, but for now, enjoy the photos and captions.

^ One of the many stray/wandering cats at the University, giving me his best evil cat look

^ A mural on an electric box just outside of a butcher's shop near my flat

^GG managed to find some of the only Halloween decorations in Malta!

^ Our Maltese "pumpkins" which are really more like gourds in pumpkin shapes. The flesh is much thicker than the pumpkins we use for Jack-O-Lanterns in the U.S., but we prevailed! These are really meant for eating, not carving a face into.

^The adorable golden retriever, Nala, who was an unexpected but fun guest at our Halloween gathering!

Note: As you can probably tell from the hands in the picture, there are many more Halloween and other pictures, but they have people in them, and in an attempt to keep everyone's privacy, I am not posting them here. Some of them will be up on Facebook soon, though!

^This isn't the best shot of it, but one of the guys at the party decided that carving a Maltese pumpkin looked like too much effort, so he instead turned his talents to a small round potato and made a potato-o-lantern! Utilizing a corkscrew and a parking knife, he whittled out a little face and scraped out most of the inside. Some people were still in the dining room chatting while we carved in the kitchen, leading to a quite hilarious moment when the only Irish guy at the party walked in and exclaimed "What is that?!" regarding the potato-pumpkin, earning him many a bad joke about the Irishman not recognising a potato!

^PG's First Jack-O-Lantern! I still cannot believe she had never carved one before. I promise it will be easier when you are home, P! Isn't it cute with its snaggletooth? :)

^A view of Balluta Bay, near St. Julian's

^ One of the Roman Arches leading up into Valletta

^ They have these delightful old-fashioned streetlamps all over Malta. Whenever I see them, I feel like I am in the early 1800s and they are all lit each night (when I know that they are electric now, of course).

^ More luzzu (traditional painted boats) in San Gulian and some of the fancier restaurants with a bay view in the background

November pictures and lots more stories coming to a post near you soon!

Ciao (Italian spelling) and "cow" (Malti spelling) (pretend the c has a dot over it indicating that it makes the "ch" rather than "k" sound), MH