Sunday, December 25, 2011

Il-Milied It-Tajjeb! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, from Malta! I will update the blog with more of November and December soon, especially as I now have a week and a half break from work, but here are just a few Christmas-y photos to celebrate today!

Lots of Christmas Wishes,

^ Our little Christmas area in our flat - see the 2 Euro tree (about 2 feet tall), the reindeer antler headband (stories to come), the Baby Jesus, and lots of nice cards :D

^ The Mdina Glass tree in Valletta - all out of handblown glass!

^ Nutcrackers and 'Gingerbread' House made entirely out of chocolate at the hotel where we had our staff lunch

^ The Carmelite church in San Gulian where we attended a Carols Concert

^ My chocolate-chocolate chip Christmas cake with silver, red/pink, and green dragees for decoration

^ A Nativity scene poster between columns at the Art Museum in Valletta

^ "Artfully" decorated Christmas cookies by moi

^ A view into the sea on Christmas Eve - pretty and sunny, but that evening windy as all get out!

^ Just a few of the many Christmas lights up around the country - these are in St. Julian's

Blogger doesn't want me to share any further Christmas pics, so I'll just say "and to all, a good night!"


  1. that glass tree is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  2. Looks like a lovely Christmas indeed. :]

    And holy cow, I want to live in that chocolate house. Just saying. :P

  3. That glass tree! That is what I want from Malta. By the time you get home, it will be off season anyways, so they won't miss it, right?

  4. I want to swim in your chocolate cake, I mean in the beautiful blue sea!
