Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fotos of February Festas, Part Two

^ Knight of St. John made of cake!

^ the traditional sweet of Karnival, prinjolata, a kind of fruitcake, sitting on another tradtional sweet, jordan almonds, called perlini

^ Karnival really has nothing to do with Hallowe'en, but that didn't stop these floats from being awesomely haunting!

^ my not-so-great picture of LW's fantastic hand-made Rabbit Queen mask, complete with coffee filter ruff!

^ A detail of a carving in St. John's Co-Cathedral (sorry for the blurriness of the St. John's pics - flash is not allowed)

^An altar in St. John's

^ The gilded wooden pulpit in St. John's

Okay, the photo uploader is unhappy yet again, so further pictures next time!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Thanks for sharing! We just had a big festival here too, celebrating Lord Buddha's birth, death, and enlightenment. It's like Christmas time!!
    Can't wait to see you back home this summer. I will be back in a month!
